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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Virtual Cigar Box

So I know I am not the only person with this bad habit... I scan my vintage items in and I just lump them into one big folder.  This seems efficient at the moment; but in reality, later when I am trying to gather images for a collage sheet or a project it takes forever to find what I need.  So the past two days I have started a major project of organizing my files.  This is no easy task as I have thousands of files!!  This scanning and organizing is my least favorite part of all this creative shop keeping!  So tonight as I am trying to find a stopping place so I can go to bed, I stumble upon this great photo of my granddad on my mom's side of the family standing on the porch of this general store in Blocker, Oklahoma.  The younger boy on the porch is likely his brother Gene.  This is the little town where my mom's mom came from.  Surprisingly, I don't remember ever seeing this photo, but of course I must have as it was scanned into my computer.  So this evening during this life altering pandemic I have stumbled upon a virtual cigar box.  You know the kind that have marbles and prize ribbons, Cracker Jack prizes and the like,  except it is even better.... a piece of family history complete with a awesome period clothing and a very cool sign.  Tomorrow I will go at this organization thing again.  I must, as I have boxes of photos from the last year or two that really need to see the light of day or at least the light of my scanner! lol  Who knows, maybe I will once again find a treasure.  :)

Friday, May 22, 2020

Finding the New Normal

As I navigate through the new "Normal"  I hear lots of people saying it is so freeing to have the family together.  They are cooking together and playing board games and such things.  Well, I have had some great together time with my new husband.  He is an RN and works 12 hour shifts so he has an odd schedule.  Couple that with my being a teacher and we have accomplished many projects around the house and still have quite a few to yet finish.  I enjoy that, but really long for the old normal.  My kids are grown and I think this new way of living has kept them busier than usual-read not available to play board games with mom.  lol  It has also compromised many plans...from the wedding dress emergency (mine was ordered from a company in China) to no real honeymoon so far as the week we were set to go to New Orleans and our dream honeymoon the country went to lockdown.

Now I realize this was definitely a necessity, but it still makes one long for the simple things like making summer trip plans or going out to eat at your favorite Mexican restaurant...Shout Out to Mexicali in Tulsa and our favorite waitress; Hailey!

So as the world is trying it's toe in the water of opening up, we have finally been able to plan a trip to the beach.  Not the honeymoon we'd planned; that will still happen at a later date, but a short jaunt to have some fun.

I am also taking time to sort through and scan some of the many photos and paper ephemera pieces I have had fun collecting.  (Seems the collecting part is a little more fun than the sorting and scanning part!)  Soon there will be new collage sheets coming to the Etsy, Shopify, Facebook, and Instagram stores.  I have also listed some of my digital items on Ebay.  Still working out the kinks with the Facebook and Instagram shops, so keep watch for them soon.

Along those lines-what would you like to see in new collage sheets? Any themes you need artwork for?

What are you doing in the new "Normal" this summer? Let us know in the comments!  We love hearing your stories!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quarantine Quirkinesses

I have noticed that to be motivated I must have a life event. Usually it’s been Christmas or Spring Break. More often Summer Break from my teaching. During all these down times I seem to actually get some artistic work done...or I should say more accurately prep for that artistic work. I clean out; purge the unused, keeping only the items I am still in love with!  Usually that’s more than I get rid of! Lol. Generally, though this takes most of the down time and thus the creating part never happens.

So this Friday I will be offering my first round of goodies on my Instagram page.  Comment here if you’d like to be tagged! I have enough for this to be a weekly tradition for awhile! Lol.

Hopefully, in this extended time I will actually reach the creating phase!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Revisiting an Old Favorite

It has been a long while since I published here.  Let's just say that taking on a new career with all that involves while still working in your current career doesn't leave a lot of time for art...even if your main gig is as an art teacher!  So while putting away the Christmas regalia I stumbled upon one of my first paper bag books.  It may even be my favorite one!  You will have to check back to see that one though as I haven't time tonight to photograph it.  So I will appease you with another Paper Bag book I worked on over Christmas.

My theory behind these books is to show life as a living art.  I use copies of my family photos(ironically none in this one!).  Sometimes of my vintage family photos mixed in with ephemera old and new, ribbons, papers, what ever.  I arrange and rearrange until I have the right "feeling".  Not very scientific or easily just has to feel right.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I am looking forward to reading Brooke Saward's newest book The World of Wanderlust.  Many of the collage sheets I make have a travel theme.  What a great way to spend your life... on a big adventure.  Love the journey!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

So as summer ebbs away I dream of just a little more time off to travel, laze by cool waters, sightsee and most importantly...sleep in.  lol  Here are my latest two collage sheets available at my Etsy store. They have a bit of a travel theme.  :)

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Just in time for capturing those summer travels to the beach, lake or the distant shores.  New digital collage sheet in my Etsy store....SeaSide Summer.