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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Finally Summer!

Is seems unbelievable how much stuff can pile up during a school year!  I am always thinking that I'll do this or that when it's summer and I have more time.  Well, this week the time came due!  It feels good, though, to be able to check stuff off the list.  Closet - check, sort books - check, organize teacher stuff - check, and on and on it goes.  I did take a moment out yesterday to smell the roses - literally.  I have this lilac colored rose that has a lemony floral scent that is wonderful.  Here is a photo of it.  I wish I could capture the fragrance to share with you!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's Here!  A sign that spring will soon be upon us.  I snapped these last week on a warmer day.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Here is my latest collage sheet.  It's called Latin Love.  I have collected a whole group of wonderful Latin ephemera items.  So more goodies to come.  I have always loved different cultures and now I have an actual connection to Hispanic culture through my sweet husband.  Now I just need to keep practicing my Spanish!

Here is a scrapbook page with one of my favorite photos of my kids in a field of Bluebonnets.  

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Spy Books

Everyone loves I Spy books.  It's like a treasure hunt in a book.  It could possibly be the kid equivelent to my favorite - the flea market!  My second grade students are making their own I Spy Book with their favorite things and then creating rhymes to go with them.  They are having a ball learning.  Here is my I Spy photo for the book.  I love old junk!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Yeah!  I love it when I get goodies in the mail!  Here is today's treasure - fabric from one of my favorite online stores-Fat Quarter Quilt Shop.  Most of it is by designer Anna Marie Horner for Free Spirit.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Snow Birds

I made this collage a few years ago after thinking about the color contrast in the kids clothes, birds, and the snow.

This photo was taken just a few weeks ago when we had another ice storm.  This weekend it seems so far away though as it is in the 70's!

Paris in Springtime Treasure Box

Using one of my Paris collage sheets, images from one of my Easter collage sheets, crepe paper, paperboard box, paint, and assorted found objects I made this 3D box complete with a suprise inside! 

Valentine's Collages

Needed newspaper, edging scissors, glue, paint, copies of a favorite vintage photo, prepared canvas, vintage buttons & letters cut from a magazine to spell what you want to say. (For my vintage images, I used one from my fairies collage sheet and one from a Halloween collage sheet.  I also used a old postcard image for the house.)

First Paint the canvas, mixing colors to get the shade you want.  Cut out your shapes from newspaper  & apply, add the vintage images and words, glue buttons on sides and you have a personalized valentine for someone special!

God's Cherry on Top

This photo certainly explains
 things!  Full moon days should be
school holidays!

Isn't this sunset just perfect.  We saw this on one cold afternoon after a very long day at school.  Just like a little cherry on the top of the day from God.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Here we are celebrating the new year!

I made this collage sheet up for some fun New Year's cards to send to friends and family.

Halloween Hoopla!

This "Boo" sign was made for a party we had at the house for some of the kid's friends.

Here are two of my favorite Halloween collage sheets.  I find that even though I have tons of images, sometimes I find myself returning to my old favorites.

Here is a photo of my kids on Halloween a couple of years ago.  It is such a cute age when you as the parent still can influence the costume of choice.  Don't they look cute as Dorothy and Spiderman?!

Holiday Collage Sheets

Just in time for Valentines Day and Easter here are some new collage sheets.  I now have them available in digital on my

Books that inspire me!

There are so many places where I get inspiration from, but here are some of my favorite books!
Check them out at Amazon on the link below.  

Denim and Diamonds tells the story of Emma Lee Turney's Round Top Antiques Fair.  Century Girl tells the story of the last living star of the Ziegfeld Folies.  Kaleidoscope is a wonderful combination of eye candy and inspiration.  Artist Trading Card Workshop and Artist Trading Cards are two favorites I turn to for inspiration.